
You will find on this page the general conditions and tariffs of transport of CHEMS AYOUR.
When booking your Dinner Show, you can choose between two rates depending on your location.

Rate 500,00 DHS (Agadir to Chems Ayour)
Transport from your hotel or house located in the city of Agadir to CHEMS AYOUR.

Fare 600,00 DHS (Taghazout to Chems Ayour)
Transport from your hotel or house located in Taghazout to CHEMS AYOUR.

When you choose the first rate (500,00 DHS) the transport from CHEMS AYOUR will pick you up from your place of residence in Agadir directly to CHEMS AYOUR 2 hours before the show.

When you choose the first rate (600,00 DHS) CHEMS AYOUR’s transport will pick you up from your place of residence in Taghazout directly to CHEMS AYOUR 2 hours before the show.

Before CHEMS AYOUR’s transport arrives at your location, the team will contact you before so that you are ready.

Age of the clients:
All ages are accepted to enter the CHEMS AYOUR complex when booking the Dinner Show ticket.

Cancellation of the Dinner Show can not be before 24 hours.

CHEMS AYOUR assumes all responsibility for the delay of transportation when booking the Dinner Show ticket.


Bonjour !

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